Friday, January 14, 2011

Reach for your dreams, and make it happen on purpose!

Our fitness dreams can come true, all you have to do is just wake up,and, realize that you can obtain your  fitness dreams and ,make them reality, but only if you choose to!Your  fitness dream depends on YOU! It depends on you to make your actions speak louder than your words, to take charge, to commit, and be the best you can be, because if you want something bad enough, and work hard to get it. Its yours. When I realized that, my dream was no longer a dream. I was living it, it literally became my reality. Dont let your fitness dreams LIGHT slowly dimmer.

Wake up, shine that light back on your dream, because it is never too late, use your down falls as reasons to achieve instead of excuses of why you cant, because you CAN. Never settle for less, dream big, and only settle for the best. We are worth fighting for!You know the old saying dream big or stay home. I stayed home at first and,then I said uh uh I wanna dream big ,because being a dreamer who never wakes up, only continues to sleep, sleep through life and never live to their full potential. Getting healthy in all aspects of life has definitely woke me up, and literally change my whole life.

When I was  unhealthy I didn't  realize  how big of a impact of getting healthy can be. It literally  changed my life for the better. I am more energetic, I am able to play with my kids without being tired ,and out of breath,and the biggest benefit was becoming a Personal Trainer. I am able to get healthy, and gain wealth just by doing the things I love.  I am  very passionate about health and helping others live healthy. Thank you so much for visting, Have an amazing day :-D

Want to improve your health, then check out  our fb page to  see what amazing opportunities are awaiting for you! I did it and you can too!

Truly yours,
                  Coach Shanda

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