Thursday, May 16, 2013

ACTION: What role will we play in this world? Is life like a play, can we cut and call scene when we want to or not. Life is reminiscent to a play, or a movie. There’s drama, thrills, roller coasters, and many times more or less, Happy Endings. We as individuals must determine our own story, who will be the actors? Who will be the leading lady or the man? Will we  play the  victim, bad guy,  good guy? Will we  step up to the plate or ,will we  fade into the background as an extra.

CUT: Sometimes we ask ourselves with courage, in our honest moments we answer back,'' I don’t know''. Through experiences and time. We learn, exactly the very reason we exist. We find our PURPOSE and, not by chance but by choice.  We all have a choice to take advantage of Life and all the beautiful things it has to offer. Such a vast world, surely we have our part to play.

 TAKE 2:  There are choices and roads.Which road do we take such hard decisions? Simple questions to ask ourselves, what do we love, what are we passionate about? Whatever it is we simply have to do it. It is our story, our choice. Whether it is, our best decision, or our worst. It must be done, we have to go after it with all intentions .You simply have to do it, because it is the script that you choose to write,  not a line fed to you through someone else’s depiction of  who you are.  It is yours, and that is the power and beauty of life.

Throughout my life I believe that everything happens for a reason.  We all have a story to tell each and every one of us are very important cast, because if we weren't this story too will not have existed. Let passion drive you; feel the liberation of being you. There are no carbon copies, you can’t be duplicated, or even replaced. Dance, sing, jump do what makes you feel Happy, live in the moment. Do not let material things be the captain of your ship. Being thankful   for what you have, will bring you more peace and serenity then any new shoe, jacket, or phone. We have to appreciate the things that we do have   in order to benefit from our journey. When we make it to the top. Whether it is that mountain peak,  or to the  vast star galaxies , beyond  the moon.  We have to remember where we came from, in order get to where we are going.

TAKE 3: Is success  monetary value, or is it simply  being happy, with knowing that you are doing the right thing, working hard, doing the best you can. If we were to fall as long as we Jump back up like were surfiing on a wave.  We have reached success in mybook . Each step we take we leave a foot print behind. So I ask this question to myself once more after being in deep thought.  What role will I play in this world? My   answer is, me,  I choose to play  me! A giving, self-confident, innovative  leading lady. There will be more chapters . So  as you write your story, remember to  always  hold the pen, and never let anyone else hold it. SCENE ~  Shanda Hobbs

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